RSVP RSVP * Yes, I'll be there | 可以參加 Sorry, only in spirit | 不能参加 Guest name | 姓名 * First Name Last Name Any food or dietary restrictions? 有任何食物或饮食限制吗? Will you need a China visa? 您需要中国签证吗? No Yes Unsure - contact us Do you need accommodations and want to be part of the room block? Shenzhen has many options of nearby hotels in the Futian area, but we will coordinate with the hotel about possible room block for preferential rates. Yes, Friday night (21 February) Yes, Saturday night (22 February) Anything else you'd like us to know? We look forward to celebrating with you!Contact us if you’re unsure about China visa requirements. More info can be found here.Add to your calendar!Apple • Google • Office 365 • Outlook Web • Outlook • Yahoo